Event Day in the Life with Tom Nguyen

You might recognize our very own Tom Nguyen, as he’s often the face you’ll see in our photos and videos. Never one to shy away from the camera, our lighting department manager has been with the team since 2013. With a degree in Animation with a focus in 3D feature film animation, you know Tom is super creative with his designs and always thinking of ways to step outside of the box when it comes to making an experience great for a client and audience.

With gigs picking back up and event life returning to (new) normal, we thought it would be fun to pick Tom’s brain and find out what a day-in-the-life of an LD is really like…on event day!

Check out our interview with Tom!

MMP: What’s your favorite type of gig to work?

TN: My favorite type of gig would be festival lighting designer. You get to design and program the stage, meet different touring LDS and see how they program and operate on your stage.

MMP: Although we know each event is different, tell us about your ‘typical’ day on festival day.

TN: Usually I like to wake up with coffee and 30 minutes of yoga before heading to the site. Most Atlanta festivals work with Wild Hare Catering and there is always an espresso machine, so an iced Americano is a must. After plenty of coffee I head to meet with the headlining artist’s LD. The touring LD will program and


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