NEW to MMP: Stageline SL320

There’s been so much excitement and buzz around the new studio at MMP and all of the new technology to help propel us into the next generation of event production.

But there’s something else new that our team is really pumped about…our brand new Stageline SL320 that arrived a couple of weeks ago!

Wrapped up like a giant Christmas gift, the stage traveled all the way from Canada to our Atlanta shop on February 20th. We gave her a good wash, and spent a week with Irvin from Stageline who certified 4 of our stage techs. The formal certification combined with our years and years of experience operating stages has us ready to bring the stage to events all over the country.

The stage features a 40×40 covered floor space with optional wings to create up to 72’x40’ of useable space. The stage is a quick set-up, low on labor, and meets all of the most stringent safety standards.

Of course, we couldn’t wait to take it on a test run, and set up our own ‘festival style’ production in the back of the shop!

‘We are excited to bring this addition to our inventory and bringing something to the Atlanta area that does not already exist. We are now truly able to provide clients with a one-stop-shop and can deliver extremely high quality product from ground to air,’ says Tyler Scott, Director of Operations for MMP, ‘This stage is not only great for large events, festivals, and parking lots, but can also be brought in for block parties and community level events.’

And this just in…training starts THIS WEEK with our brand new SL260, which will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates and availability!


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