OzCetera: Innovation Collaborators Join Forces for XR Stage In Georgia
Oz Magazine, May/June Edition
The founder of TRICK 3D Studio, Chad Eikhoff, and the Founder of Music Matters Productions, Aaron Soriero, joined in partnership on one of Atlanta’s first extended reality (XR) stages, using the game engine technology leveraged by Director Jon Favreau, and the Unreal Engine from Epic Games. The two founders have named this high-tech spot the Music Matters XR Stage and have set it up just northeast of central Atlanta in Peachtree Corners.
The MM-XR Stage is outfitted with Absen LED walls, a ROE Visual Black Marble LED floor, Vanishing Point Camera/Lens Tracking System, lighting design and a full range of AVID and DiGiCo audio consoles, in addition to a full range of additional options available from Music Matters. These tools combine with 360-degree virtual backgrounds that are rendered using the Unreal Engine and then tracked, composited and recorded in real time.
For more information and for the full article: https://issuu.com/ozonline/docs/oz_mag_may-june_2021/18